
    • Cycling the Hebridean Way

      Cycling the Hebridean Way

      Four days riding the NCN 780 Day 1: Vatersay to Benbecula Vatersay The cycling adventure starts the morning after our arrival on Barra with a cycle down to Vatersay (Scottish Gaelic: Bhatarsaigh). A short, but steep climb takes us from Castlebay down to a causeway and over onto Vatersay. Here you will experience your first taste……

    • What a year 2018 has been.

      What a year 2018 has been.

      From riding with Zoe Ball and Greg James to cycling through the Channel Tunnel 2018 has been an amazing year. 2018 has been an incredible year for Scot from Skinny Tyres. He has cycled across the length and breadth of Europe, supported events for Sport Relief and Children in Need and worked with some great companies……

    • There is snow excuse for not riding your bike

      There is snow excuse for not riding your bike

      Sometimes it can be difficult to motivate yourself to get out on your bike, but when you do, these times are often the best rides that you can have. So it was a few Saturdays ago, as the snow came down heavily and I sat in my warm house with the fire crackling away; to……

    • Get in the Zone with your Cycle Training

      Get in the Zone with your Cycle Training

      A recent study at Stirling University has investigated how training intensity can have measurable effects on performance, and the results may not be what you expect. The 29-week trial on a group of cyclists found that a programme of predominantly low-intensity work mixed with around a 20% volume of high-intensity sessions led to greater improvements……

    • Honey Stinger Honey Waffle

      Honey Stinger Honey Waffle

      Fill the engine on your bicycle with the right fuel for a happy cyclist. Honey Stinger Honey Waffle I find it difficult to find the right food to fuel my body when I am out riding my bike. Many products are too sweet and rather than eat them I just avoid eating (which on a……