
    • Inspiration for cyclists

      Inspiration for cyclists

      Scot Tares finds social media can offer some inspiration after all. Like many people, I follow social media sites but often, at best, just skim over the inspirational, human-drama stories that often feature in them, but last week one in particular caught my eye. Rick Hoyt was born 43 years ago with a profound disability,……

    • Cycling in the snow

      Cycling in the snow

      Scot Tares finds snow excuse for getting out on his bike. Sometimes it can be difficult to motivate yourself to get out on your bike, but when you do, these times are often the best rides that you can have. So it was a few Saturdays ago, as the snow came down heavily and I……

    • Training In Zones

      Training In Zones

      Written by Scot Tares and originally published in the Courier 26.1.3 (copyright DC Thompson) Scot Tares gets in the zone with his cycle training. A recent study at Stirling University has investigated how training intensity can have measurable effects on performance, and the results may not be what you expect. The 29-week trial on a……

    • Christmas is a time for bikes

      Christmas is a time for bikes

      Ride your bike and eat more mince pies Originally published in the Courier 22.12.12 As the decades pass by and toys go in and out of fashion, each Christmas brings another “must-have” item on children’s lists for Santa. However, one item that never seems to go out of vogue is the humble bicycle; it’s been……

    • Cycling and books

      Cycling and books

      First Published in Blazing Saddles Column in the Tayside Courier Weekend Supplement 8.12.12 Scot Tares finds out you can enjoy cycling from the comfort of your armchair. Alongside my passion for all things two-wheeled, I have several other past-times and pursuits that I enjoy: going to the mountains with my dogs and my mate, listening……